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Example of temporary building used as social distancing solution

Could temporary buildings be a social distancing solution?

Our lives have been completely changed by COVID-19.

Yes, lockdown is easing and organisations are now (tentatively) preparing to re-open. But the reality is, we still have to maintain a safe distance. And, as a result, many organisations are having to devise a ‘new normal’ – in which they can resume their activities and keep people two metres apart.

Here at Useful Structures, we believe our modular and temporary buildings could be the solution. Our fully-fitted modular structures are perfect for just about any purpose and here we explore how they could prove useful.

Temporary classrooms

Shutting schools was crucial to help slow the spread of the virus.

However, several months later, there’s still no sign of them properly re-opening and many are concerned about the impact this may have on children. In fact, in a letter sent by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, more than 1500 of the UK’s leading paediatricians agreed it could ‘scar the life chances of a generation’ and called for a plan to get pupils back in the classroom.

To do this safely, and limit the risk of transmission, class sizes will need to be smaller – and schools will need a significantly larger spaces to accommodate the same number of pupils.

So, why not invest in modular classrooms? Such temporary structures offer a fast, cost-effective and safe solution. They can be made bespoke to order, to meet specific educational requirements, with an extensive range of internal and external fittings. But, most importantly, they can provide schools with the extra space they need – to adhere to social distancing and teach successfully.

temporary classroom used as social distancing solution

Modular office spaces

Temporary buildings could also provide a way for many businesses to re-open – particularly those which require an office environment. Again, for employees to re-start, desks would need to be positioned at least two metres apart. Staff rooms and canteens would also need to be much bigger, allowing people to use the on-site facilities, whilst observing key social distancing rules.

A modular office, therefore, is a convenient and cost-effective solution. Not only could it be used to extend the office space – allowing more people to return to work – it could also feature extra kitchens and food preparation areas, toilets, washing facilities, restrooms etc, as required.

Of course, social distancing won’t last forever – and some business owners may be reluctant to spend money on something they won’t need in a few weeks time. However, modular offices are a future-proof investment. Once things return to normal, the structure can be adapted to meet the changing needs of the business or even moved to a completely different location.

woman working in modular office space


Fitness and sports centres

Gyms and leisure centres are set to re-open in the next few weeks. But, of course, they must stick to social distancing guidelines – and for most, that means they’ll be running at 25% capacity.

Again, the solution is to expand the available space with a modular fitness building.

Such buildings can be designed and engineered to have a range of different layouts and features. For example, they could be used to create a large open area, ideal for fitness classes. Or they could be split into different gym sections, with enough space to leave two metres between each piece of equipment. It’s also possible to add extra washing, changing and toilet facilities, if needed.

Just like modular office spaces, these structures are a long-term investment. Although initially designed and engineered to create a ‘social distancing’ overflow, they can be very easily modified in the future – perhaps by adding new fixtures or fittings – in line with the gym’s requirements.

Maintain a safe distance with temporary buildings

Unfortunately, it seems ‘social distancing’ is here to stay for the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean organisations have to remain shut. Modular temporary buildings – such as those available at Useful Structures – are a safe and viable solution, that could help the UK to get back on track.

To find out more, and discover how a modular building could be your social distancing solution, please feel free to get in touch. We’re always on hand and happy to help. Just give us a call on 01788 861246 or send an email to info@usefulstructures.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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